Monday, September 3, 2012

Crafting - Puffy Paint

Today we had some time to why not make some home made puffy paint!  It was a lot of fun and the kids had a blast seeing what their creations would look like when they turned "puffy"!


  • Thick paper for painting on (it's a heavy paint)
  • Yogurt cups for the paint
  • Paint brushes
  • Self-rising flour
  • Salt
  • Water
  • Food Coloring

How To:

  • Mix equal parts of salt and self-rising flour (for example: 1 tablespoon of self-rising flour + 1 tablespoon of salt)
  • Add food coloring (a few drops)
  • Add water until you have a paste that is just thin enough to paint with
  • And PAINT!  btw - you can paint on thin paper or more of a card stock.  The card stock seemed to work better but plain white paper worked too.
  • Once all the painting fun is done - microwave the masterpiece for 10-30 seconds and ta-da!  You have a puffy paint picture!
This is my daughter's picture of her two cats!

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