Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Science in the Park - Balloons

This week blew up balloons a few different ways!

Experiment 1:

In this experiment, the kids used hot air to blow up a balloon.

How to:
  • Take a balloon and stretch it out over a plastic water bottle. 
  • Put the bottle in a bowl of very hot water. 
  • The hot water will warm up the air in the bottle causing the balloon to inflate a little.

The Science:
The heat causes the air in the bottle to warm up.  Since hot air "expands" (the molecules are moving fast) and it needs more room so it pushes on the balloon inflating thus balloon a little.

Experiment 2:

In this experiment we blew up a balloon using a chemical reaction. 

How to:
  • Add about 2 tsp of baking soda to a balloon.  Add it inside of the balloon.
  • Pour 1 cup of vinegar into a plastic bottle.
  • Stretch the balloon on top of the bottle being careful not to dump the baking soda in.

  • Once it's on - lift the balloon up dumping in the baking soda and blowing up the balloon!

The Science:
The baking soda (base) and the vinegar (acid) react to form carbon dioxide and water.  The carbon dioxide that is produced is what blows up the balloon!


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